Privacy policy.

Steak+Sizzle CreativeWorks Privacy Policy

Welcome, friends and visitors! We're all about exploration and storytelling here at Steak+Sizzle CreativeWorks, but we also understand the importance of safeguarding your privacy. So let's take a moment to turn the spotlight on a story that's often overlooked—the tale of how we collect, use, and protect the personal information you share with us.

What information we collect

When you can't resist the allure of our compelling stories and engage with our site, we might gather the following info: your name, email address, phone number, and other relevant details. We can't help it—we love getting to know our audience!

How we use your information

Just like we carefully craft narratives, we judiciously use your info. It helps us tailor our services, respond to your requests, and continue bringing you content that kindles your curiosity. And don't worry, we won't bombard you with a torrent of emails. We're not fans of filling inboxes with unnecessary clutter.

Sharing of your information

While we thrive on connection and collaboration, we're not in the business of selling your personal data. Promise! We might share your info with third-party providers who enable our services—think of them as our backstage crew. Rest assured, they respect your privacy as we do.

Cookie policy

Just like cookies are essential for a satisfactory coffee break, they're vital for a seamless online experience too. They don't just help our site run smoother but also allow us to understand how you interact with our content. That way, we can keep creating compelling narratives that resonate with you. If you're not a fan of cookies, you can always change your browser settings.

Privacy of Minors

We love inspiring the next generation but not without their guardian's consent. If you're under 13, please have your parent or guardian read this with you.

Updating this policy

Just like our creative endeavours, this policy might evolve over time. Check back every now and then to stay in the loop.

Your Questions

Got questions about our Privacy Policy? Feel free to send a digital smoke signal our way. We'll reply back faster than you can say "Steak+Sizzle."

Remember, by using our website, you're agreeing to this policy. Thanks for joining us in this privacy narrative, and here's to more intriguing stories by Steak+Sizzle CreativeWorks!

This privacy policy is effective from Feburay 4, 2024.